Comments: I've read a bit on the network version of broomsticks, and I can't help but wonder...
Is it a rumor, or the real deal?
(...please be real, please be real, please be...)
^-^ Ok.
Oh, I found what you said about implementing a fixed frame rate. I'm not entirely sure if The Game Maker will accept such an equasion, but, here's hoping!
It is halfway between a rumor and the real deal. I started on a networked
version a year ago or so. I wasn't too happy with it and didn't have the time
to work on it. People are asking me to dig it up and try it again, which
is something that I am considering.
There are some technical problems with making this work well through a Java
applet (in a browser), so don't expect too much. :-) One solution would be
to make a standalone application for the game, but I may not get to that...
Yeah, I don't know what Game Maker does. Let me know how it goes...