Broomsticks by Paul Rajlich Broomsticks 3D by Paul Rajlich


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  • Name: Evan
  • Homepage:
  • From: Australia
  • Date: Fri Aug 1 07:58:16 CDT 2003
  • Comments: After getting repaired from being shocked by lightning, our computor has been freezing, so that means I don't get to play Broomsticks that much (another reason is that our Br 3d expierd a few days ago.) Just to let you know. -Evan.

    That's too bad. I hope it gets fixed.

  • Name: RoboWizard
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Sun Aug 3 08:50:31 CDT 2003
  • Comments: Paul, it's august now! Update the guestbook!

    Done. Thanks for the reminder. :-)

  • Name: Evan
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Sat Aug 9 01:35:53 CDT 2003
  • Comments: Yeah Paul, RoboWizard's right!

    Yeah, yeah... I'm only 2 weeks late on changing it over to August. ;-)

  • Name: Evan
  • Homepage:
  • From: Australia
  • Date: Sun Aug 10 20:42:14 CDT 2003
  • Comments: The computor's almost working again. Even the best of the best Video Card doesn't make it fully work.

  • Name: Matthew Davis
  • Homepage: CHICAGO¤lollie
  • From: Australia
  • Date: Tue Aug 12 06:00:56 CDT 2003
  • Comments: Yo! Paul! Everything alright over your end of the world?

    Just seems that you've forgotten to update the guestbook. It IS the 12th after all =Ž

    Just reminding you... -Matt

    Yes, I am still alive. I've been out of town and busy with some other stuff. But, I'm back now!

  • Name: Evan
  • Homepage:
  • From: Australia
  • Date: Wed Aug 13 07:09:01 CDT 2003
  • Comments: The computor guy found that the CPU was damaged. IF THAT DOESN'T WORK I'M GETTING A NEW COMPUTOR!!!

    Ouch! Good luck.

  • Name: dodo
  • Homepage: casino
  • From: uk
  • Date: Wed Aug 13 11:21:52 CDT 2003
  • Comments: great site


  • Name: FrieNDLY
  • Homepage: MuggleAwareness
  • From: US
  • Date: Wed Aug 13 18:56:08 CDT 2003
  • Comments: Nice site! It's August, isn't it? I LOVE the game Broomsticks! It rocks soo much!!!!!!


  • Name: FrieNDLY
  • Homepage: MuggleAwareness
  • From: US
  • Date: Wed Aug 13 19:00:34 CDT 2003
  • Comments: By the way. Again, this site ROCKS and so does the game!!!!

  • Name: Mark
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Fri Aug 15 00:01:47 CDT 2003
  • Comments: are the contest winners going to be posted now??? :)

    Soon... very soon. :-)

  • Name: Matthew Davis
  • Homepage: CHICAGO¤lollie
  • From: Australia
  • Date: Sat Aug 16 06:04:51 CDT 2003
  • Comments: Oh good. Nice to see you're still alive and well ^-^

    Just started to get a little spooky there, that's all =Ž


  • Name: Mark
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Sun Aug 17 19:12:46 CDT 2003
  • Comments: Hi, after i download broomsticks 2 demo version and i click br2.exe it says this: br2.exe - Unable To Locate DLL The dynamic link library MSVCIRTD.dll could not be found in the specified path (directory here). please help! thanx


    I accidently compiled a "debug" version rather than a "release" version which is why it is looking for a MSVC library. I've fixed this now, so download again.

    Thanks for discovering this problem.

  • Name: FrieNDLY
  • Homepage: MuggleAwareness
  • From: US
  • Date: Sun Aug 17 20:54:08 CDT 2003
  • Comments: I still live the game......

    Did you mean to say "love" instead of "live"? :-)

  • Name: Matthew Davis
  • Homepage: CHICAGO¤lollie
  • From: Australia
  • Date: Tue Aug 19 07:06:53 CDT 2003
  • Comments: All I can say is : Wow!

    Ok, I can say a bit more than that =Ž Great demo. I love the new passing feature and the clouds in front ^-^ Nice touch. I see that it should support BR1 character and item sets providing that the user converts the GIF file to BMP, so that's also great.
    I think that it would be nice to be able to change the poles when making a custom item set, or... Ok, steering clear of the animation thing =Ž

    Well, all in all, it's a great demo, even if it's an early one, and I can't wait to see it in the weeks (or months) to come.


    Thanks Matt! I will think of a way to allow the poles to be modified.

    Update: - if you download the newest version (0.3), you can make a custom pole by creating a 20x185 BMP and naming it pole1.bmp. The hoop is still in the items file though...

    Also, I will come up with a way to allow more animations and yet be compatible with old character sets.

  • Name: Hannah Bloom
  • Homepage: none
  • From: Illinois
  • Date: Tue Aug 19 13:46:41 CDT 2003
  • Comments: i love broomsticks! i dont have the full version yet but i will get it soon i love to see the characters that other people send in some of them are so funny!

    Thanks Hannah, I'm glad you like it!

    Yes, I agree that letting people create their own characters can be a lot of fun!

  • Name: CHICAGO¤lollie
  • Homepage: CHICAGO¤lollie
  • From: Australia
  • Date: Wed Aug 20 06:50:37 CDT 2003
  • Comments: Question/Suggestion:
    Well, is there any way you can get the game to check the pixel size of the images? That way if the image is bigger than BR1 character sets, it can go on to select the additional images needed...god I must need sleep.

    Sorry if that's a little hard to understand, but I can't think of another way to explain that at the moment. But you know what I mean, right? It'll mean more code obviously, but it shouldn't be that hard to achieve if it's possible, right?

    Right, ok, well, try to make sense of it =D
    *yawn* Cya,

    (PS: Thanks for the ability to change the pole image Paul =D)

    Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking!

  • Name: Matthew Davis
  • Homepage: CHICAGO¤lollie
  • From: Australia
  • Date: Thu Aug 21 05:50:03 CDT 2003
  • Comments: Cool, thought so. But, the programming code you're using, does it have a "Select Case" statement, or would you have to resort to a simple "If/Else" statement?

    I've done it and will release the new version in the next couple of days.

    Actually, neither. You can do it with simple math:

    x = (rightTeam x 160) + (goingUp x 80) + (goingLeft x 40) + 1
    y = (model x 40) + 41 (there is the text at the top)
    width = 39
    height = 39

    Those 4 numbers (x, y, width, height) represent a box in the characters image where rightTeam, goingUp, and goingLeft are each 1 or 0 (true or false) and model is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. For instance, the blonde girl on the green team flying up and to the right would be:

    x = (0 x 160) + (1 x 80) + (0 x 40) + 1 = 81
    y = (2 x 40) + 41 = 121

    with animations, I am adding multiple rows per player. So, x is the same as above, and y becomes:

    y = (model x 40 x numberOfFrames) + (40 x currentFrame) + 41

    Of course, to find out numberOfFrames, I have to do some math too:

    numberOfFrames = (imageHeight-41) / 200;

    What this means is that the old character images will work. They were 321x241. According to the formula:

    numberOfFrames = (241 - 41) / 200 = 1 animation frame

    But, you can now also make character images that have any number of frames. For instance, to make a characters image where each player has 4 frames, the image height would be 841:

    numberOfFrames = (841 - 41) / 200 = 4 frames

    So the resulting image is 321x841, with 5 players x 4 frames = 20 rows of boxes and 2 teams x 5 players x 4 directions x 4 frames = 160 total boxes!!

    Have I confused you enough already? :-) Don't worry, I will include an example with the next release.

  • Name: Evan
  • Homepage:
  • From: Australia
  • Date: Fri Aug 22 06:19:48 CDT 2003
  • Comments: I just bought the full version! (all because I couldn't get an R rated game.) The only bad thing is that it will take about a month to get around to Australia. -Evan

    Thanks for ordering! It should not take that long, my guess is 10 days or so.

  • Name: Matthew Davis
  • Homepage: CHICAGO¤lollie
  • From: Australia
  • Date: Fri Aug 22 06:54:52 CDT 2003
  • Comments: Actually, I understood all that ^-^

    Well cool, so, like, with the BR2 characters, you could have as many frames as the creator desires for each player then?
    Cool. So, this means that Broomsticks will, at last, have increased animation, right? Sure, five characters within each set, but that's absolutely fine! Don't need any more than that!

    Now, the animation, would it just be, for example, the cape flapping around while flying or something (no in-between actions), or actual in-depth animation, so like, still for example, the cape flapping around, but actions inbetween going up and down or left and right too?

    Either way, it'll mean more work for the character creator too, but what the hey! It'll definately put a lot more edge in character set competitions!!

    (\(^o^)/) Yayay!!!!!!!!!!


    Right, there are no "inbetween actions" in the game. However, with multiple frames for each of the 4 states (up-left, up-right, down-left, down-right), there will be plenty to do!

    I'm glad you are excited. I look forward to seeing what you can make with the new capabilities!

  • Name: Matthew Davis
  • Homepage: CHICAGO¤lollie
  • From: Australia
  • Date: Fri Aug 22 07:15:24 CDT 2003
  • Comments: Ok, I just downloaded the new demo and went straight to the player graphics for answers. Cape flapping around w/o animations inbetween.

    That's cool though. Having animations inbetween actions would have been really confusing now that I think more about it ^-^

    But cool. Yes, I'm gonna have tons of fun making more sets now!

    *evil grin* Nyeheheheheheheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!


  • Name: Tom Riddle
  • Homepage: Dumbledore's Den
  • From: Minnesota
  • Date: Thu Aug 28 15:52:23 CDT 2003
  • Comments: This is the best game we ever played! last night 20 of my friends came over and we played this game all night untill 9:00AM that is how much we love it! esspecally the 3D game, keep working Paul cause your going to have some hhahahahaha!

    Thanks Tom! Comments like this make me glad that I made the game. :-)

  • Name: Dougall
  • Date: Fri Aug 29 01:06:57 CDT 2003
  • Comments: Hi Paul, havent been on here for a while. The broomsticks 2 demo is working well! It rocks, Can't wait for any kind of improvement.

    I realy like the new characters, however, paul, it would realy help if you could write a little program to create blank character sets with x frames, because I'm to scared to add frames ;).

    Up there ^ you ask if youve confused us enogh, well yeah, I understand about three words of your confusing explaination ;) (no offense).

    Daniel and I are making great progress on our Qidditch Broomsticks game, and for those that don't know we did our math(s) and figured out that Quiditch+Broomsticks=Quidsticks(or Broomitch but that sounds bad ;)) so, our game is now officialy Quidsticks. We will soon open our Quidsticks Message board, it will probably be open at the time of the release of the Quidsticks Demo 1.0.

    By the way paul, whats your news? How are your Broomsticks (2) updates going?If I were you, I'd be itching to tell! Ahh well, the time has come for me to go so I bid you goodbye my friend. As I gaze into my Crystal Ball I see something, I have just typed into the navigation bar of netscape, I shall come back in the future. Goodbye.


    thanks! I'm glad you like Broomsticks2! I'll keep you posted on updates.

    Yeah, either a program to make empty character sets or downloadable empty ones of several sizes is a good idea. I'll have to remember to do that. :-)

    Good luck with your game!

  • Name: Matthew Davis
  • Homepage: CHICAGO¤lollie
  • From: Australia
  • Date: Sat Aug 30 05:26:35 CDT 2003
  • Comments: Hellooooooooo peoples of the guestbookie!

    Hehe, just had my pre-16th sleepover b*day with movies and lollies and stuff, so yeah. A little tired, a little hyped, all the same. =Ž

    I downloaded BroomSticks2 0.5, and I've got a question to ask: What changes were made prior to version 0.4? I'm just curious really, `cause I didn't see any at all =S

    I didn't miss something big, did I?

    (September in 2 days, remember that ^-^)

    There were a few bug fixes between 0.4 and 0.5. For instance, the front layer did not scale properly with the bigger display modes.

    The only new "feature" is that you can specify the filenames for the images in the settings file.

  • Name: Empire of Nick
  • Homepage:
  • From: Empire of Nick
  • Date: Sun Aug 31 12:10:23 CDT 2003
  • Comments: Great Page! Check out mine too!

  • Name: Matthew Davis
  • Homepage: CHICAGO¤lollie
  • From: Australia
  • Date: Sun Aug 31 20:23:52 CDT 2003
  • Comments: It's September today!
    It's September today!
    This is just a small reminder sung to the tune of "99 bottles of beer on the wall" because I decided that this reminder had to be a little bit more fancy than the last reminders,
    And it's September today! =Ž

    Yes, don't forget ;)


    Thanks for the reminder, but I was still 2 days late! LOL! :-)