I've done it and will release the new version in the next couple of days.
Actually, neither. You can do it with simple math:
x = (rightTeam x 160) + (goingUp x 80) + (goingLeft x 40) + 1
y = (model x 40) + 41 (there is the text at the top)
width = 39
height = 39
Those 4 numbers (x, y, width, height) represent a box in the characters image
where rightTeam, goingUp, and goingLeft are each 1 or 0 (true or false) and model is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. For instance, the blonde girl on the green team flying up and to the right would
x = (0 x 160) + (1 x 80) + (0 x 40) + 1 = 81
y = (2 x 40) + 41 = 121
with animations, I am adding multiple rows per player. So, x is the same
as above, and y becomes:
y = (model x 40 x numberOfFrames) + (40 x currentFrame) + 41
Of course, to find out numberOfFrames, I have to do some math too:
numberOfFrames = (imageHeight-41) / 200;
What this means is that the old character images will work. They were
321x241. According to the formula:
numberOfFrames = (241 - 41) / 200 = 1 animation frame
But, you can now also make character images that have any number of frames.
For instance, to make a characters image where each player has 4 frames,
the image height would be 841:
numberOfFrames = (841 - 41) / 200 = 4 frames
So the resulting image is 321x841, with 5 players x 4 frames = 20 rows of
boxes and 2 teams x 5 players x 4 directions x 4 frames = 160 total boxes!!
Have I confused you enough already? :-) Don't worry, I will include an
example with the next release.