Comments: Hello all! It is I, some guy name Matthew!! Mwa ha haa! =D
Heh heh, ok, ok... So how's everything going? Everything seems well here!
Now, sometime in April 2001 I said I was trying to make my own version of Broomsticks (heh heh, man my version sucked). Well, I'm at it again, but I've decided to 'megaly' simplify it - 4 bit Black and White GameBoy Broomsticks *HIYAH*!!
Now don't worry Paul, this game will only have one player game-play with easy, medium, and hard settings. The characters won't be able to change to a custom set, so there's one advantage you have. The sound effects will, alas, be dumb and GameBoy-ish, there's another advange you have. There will be NO colour, so there's a big advantage to you... Only advantage I'll have is music, but that's not a big advantage as it's only gonna be gameboy music...
Let's just think of GBBroomsticks as... a majorly crippled rip-off demo, kay? =D