Here are the various projects that I am working on at NCSA (National
Center for Supercomputing Applications):
Wall - I develop applications and tools for our tiled display wall.
Boeing - developing software for collaborative visualization of very high resolution imagery on display wall.
FLASH AMR - I wrote two simple VTK applications for
interactive visualization of FLASH AMR datasets.
Intellibadge - I developed the real-time 2D visualizations
of rfid badge tracking data as shown at Supercomputing 2002.
RiverWeb - I was the lead vis programmer for this project.
vtkActorToPF - allows you to compute geometry using
vtk and render using Iris Performer.
CAVEvis - visualize FITS and HDF datasets in the CAVE.
VRML Server - java-based interface to creating visualizations from astronomy datasets in the ADIL