VisBox on display at ISpace gallery

A VisBox will be on display at the ISpace gallery in Chicago from January 2 to January 19 as part of the exhibit titled “MAKE NO LITTLE PLANS – Designing the Chicago Lakefront in an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment”. The exhibit features architectural projects from the graduate studio of Professor Joy Monice Malnar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Visitors are invited to experience the VisBox and sketch their ideas using...

VisBox installed at VIS

A VisBox was installed at the Visualization and Interactive Spaces Lab in Indianapolis. The VIS lab is one of the Pervasive Technology Labs at Indiana University. Link to VIS lab...

VisWall-20X installed at CCR

A Viswall-20X was installed at the Center for Computational Research at the University at Buffalo. The 20 projector system provides a 15.7 Megapixel display (5120×3072) on a 11’x8′ screen. Link to CCR press release Link to ACM TECHNews article Link to University at Buffalo Reporter article MPEG Movie – a time-lapse movie of assembly (~9...


There was a feature about Visbox in the Workplace section of the News-Gazette (the local paper) on September 3.


Announcement! – We will be attending SIGGRAPH 2002 in San Antonio, Texas during the week of July 22-26. If you would like to meet with us sometime that week, please let us know.